Everyone is Fighting a Battle You Know Nothing About. Be Kind. Always.

Infertility was never talked about to me growing up. It actually never occurred to me that I might experience it. I think I was just scared into believing that I would get pregnant right away. My husband and I married young. He was in nursing school and wanted to have kids right away, but I …

Behind the Scenes of a 7 Day Classroom Transformation

Over the last 6 years, I’ve been collecting classroom pieces from Craigslist and the Facebook Marketplace in order to transform my classrooms on a budget. I’ve share a little bit about this in a couple other blog posts over the years, including Classroom Transformation and Cafe Style Classroom on a Budget. What made this transformation …

Mario Kart Classroom Transformation

This last Friday, my first graders walked into a total classroom transformation. Our whole day was filled with Mario! The day was centered around Design Thinking and Math, with a Mario Kart theme. It started off with the students coming into the transformed classroom with Mario theme music playing in the background, and Mario Kart …